This year will be remembered as the year my I-pod gave out. I lost over 80GB of music most of it from 2009 and 2010. The better part of it, is that my external hard drive is not functioning correctly either. If I can get that up and going then all will be fine, but I have spent the past 2 months buying, tracking down, and re-downloading as much of my music as I can find. It hasn't been all bad because in the process I have found 2 new music blogs that I really like that put up some great mix tapes (TSURURADIO and ATG). I am sure I will overlook some song or band that I (or you) really dug this year, but here is my attempt to cover the music that rang through my ear buds most often or got turned up to 11 in the swagger wagon. Not sure how many parts this will take; I have tried to include a couple mp3s, official videos, and live footage of each of the bands, but because of the epic nature of the coverage I'll have to break this up into parts. There is probably too much music here to digest in one sitting, but good luck.
Now on to the countdown:
16. Beach Fossils - Beach Fossils
A lot of the music this year had that surfer garage sound and I was glad for that. I'm sure I'll use the terms over and over in these reviews but I loved the garage revival. I'm a fan of the Nuggets box sets, punk rock, Buddy Holly, the Modern Lovers and early Beach Boys.In terms of sound these guys are poppy. Hailing from Brooklyn they were NYC's version of the garage revival. Listened to this all summer long, was a great soundtrack for the beach.
Favorite Tracks:
Golden Age
Standing drummer = kool with a "k."
15. Crocodiles - Sleep Forever
The Crocodiles have that retro garage sound and when I hear Sleep Forever I think of Jesus and Mary Chain, and early Stone Roses. Everything sounds muddy and beautiful. I love the echo of the vocals.
Favorite Tracks:
Sleep Forever
Hollow Hollow Eyes
Billy Speed
Hearts Of Love
14. The Walkmen - Lisbon
Lisbon has the same moody feeling that the Walkmen have had since their first album. There are quiet reflective moments throughout the album and a raucous crowd pleaser in Angela Surf City.
Favorite Tracks:
Angela Surf City
Blue As Your Blood
While I Shovel The Snow
The Walkmen || Angela Surf City [1 of 3] from Ray Concepcion on Vimeo.
13. The Strange Boys - Be Brave
Lead singer Ryan Sambol sounds drunk and deranged, but it goes perfectly with the loose ramshackle sound of the band. This was a great E-music discovery before E-music went sour. These guys should go on tour with The Crocodiles.
Favorite Tracks:
A Walk On The Bleach
Be Brave
Night Might
Friday Night In Paris
12. Hot Chip - One Life Stand
I have liked everything Hot Chip has done and this album is no exception. One difference I see from past albums is One Life Stand has fewer stand alone dance floor hits, but is a more cohesive album. The band seems to be reflecting on having families and getting older and being content with it. I just enjoy seeing videos with these old guys still kicking. My wife is also a big fan.
Favorite Tracks:
Thieves In The Night
I Feel Better
One Life Stand
Alley Cats
Take It In
One of the best videos of the year. Goes from funny, to weird, to disturbing, and back to funny.
11. The Black Keys - Brothers
These guys have been making that garage blues sound forever. Same gritty blues sound as always, but this is the first Black Keys album I have been repeatedly going back to. Tighten Up and Howlin' For You I play on weekly basis.
Favorite Tracks:
Tighten Up
Everlasting Light
Howlin' For You
Next Girl
Another top video for the year
I'll be back later tonight or tomorrow with more of the countdown.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Tapes 'n Tapes
This track off the new album sounds promising, when it started off I was waiting for a bigger kick sounds like a subdued Franz Ferdinand.
Tapes 'n Tapes - Freak Out from soon to be released album Outside
Tapes 'n Tapes - Omaha from 2005 album The Loon
Tapes 'n Tapes - Insistor from The Loon
If for some reason you live under a rock and don't have the new Arcade Fire album yet, just listen to this:
Arcade Fire - Month of May
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Second Chance
I have overlooked the band Here We Go Magic for a couple months now.The clip below finally got me to pay attention. Nice dreamy sound with vocals that remind me of Neil Young. I won't be downloading the whole album but I'll pick up a few tracks from the new album Pigeons.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Cheat Sheet #3 - Fall and the Start of School
Music for the season: Noise seems to be what my ears are finding attractive. There are some great pop tunes here, but they are all buried beneath noise, echo, and feedback.
Radio Dept. - New Improved Hypocrisy
Swedish band that has been around for some time, but I just learned about from this most recent album Clinging To a Scheme. The above track is just a random post but it follows in the same vein as the album. I think the whole album is worth checking out. It's soft, mellow music for the fall. I would have expected a bigger pop sound from the Swedes, but these guys must come from the part of Sweden that does not get sunlight. It's not depressing just reflective.
Black Mountain - Old Fangs
Black Mountain - Hair Song
The last Black Mountain album lost me, it was just too heavy. These tracks are for fans of Sabbath who are now older and gentler.
Thee Oh Sees - Go Meet the Seed
Nice lo-fi jangly sound. I love the psychedelic echo on the guitar blasts and the ba-ba-bas on the chorus.
Crocodiles - Sleep Forever
Crocodiles - Billy Speed
I like the whole album. Just a great pop racket!
Sundelles - Dead Youth
Make a joyful noise - success!
Radio Dept. - New Improved Hypocrisy
Swedish band that has been around for some time, but I just learned about from this most recent album Clinging To a Scheme. The above track is just a random post but it follows in the same vein as the album. I think the whole album is worth checking out. It's soft, mellow music for the fall. I would have expected a bigger pop sound from the Swedes, but these guys must come from the part of Sweden that does not get sunlight. It's not depressing just reflective.
Black Mountain - Old Fangs
Black Mountain - Hair Song
The last Black Mountain album lost me, it was just too heavy. These tracks are for fans of Sabbath who are now older and gentler.
Thee Oh Sees - Go Meet the Seed
Nice lo-fi jangly sound. I love the psychedelic echo on the guitar blasts and the ba-ba-bas on the chorus.
Crocodiles - Sleep Forever
Crocodiles - Billy Speed
I like the whole album. Just a great pop racket!
Sundelles - Dead Youth
Make a joyful noise - success!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Cheat Sheet #3
Just need to rattle off some new things you should be listening to since I just got back from a trip to Florida:
Arcade Fire - Sprawl II from the new album The Suburbs: Everything I have heard from this album so far has been great . Looks like Arcade Fire knock it out of the park again. For this track all I can say is "once I was in love and it was a gas;" in slo-mo. Here are 2 more tracks I just found from the album also:
Arcade Fire - We Used To Wait
Arcade Fire - Rococo
Best Coast - When I'm With You from the album Crazy ForYou: Been out for a couple weeks but it is a great summer soundtrack. I must have listened to this track about 20 times on my week long trip to FLA. My wife also digs it so they get 2 votes in the like category. Here is another Best Coast track, a remix:
Best Coast - Boyfriend (Ghostwaves Edit)
Menomena - TAOS from the album Mines: This album almost didn't happen - the band was fighting, they were doing other projects, and getting divorces. I'm glad they pulled it together because I loved their last one Fried or Foe.
Ra Ra Riot - Boy from soon to be released album the Orchard
Jens Lekman - The End of the World Is Bigger Than Love one of my favorite song writers, even though he crones a little too much.
I'm off now to go and listen to the new Arcade Fire, just got it from for $3.99!
Arcade Fire - Sprawl II from the new album The Suburbs: Everything I have heard from this album so far has been great . Looks like Arcade Fire knock it out of the park again. For this track all I can say is "once I was in love and it was a gas;" in slo-mo. Here are 2 more tracks I just found from the album also:
Arcade Fire - We Used To Wait
Arcade Fire - Rococo
Best Coast - When I'm With You from the album Crazy ForYou: Been out for a couple weeks but it is a great summer soundtrack. I must have listened to this track about 20 times on my week long trip to FLA. My wife also digs it so they get 2 votes in the like category. Here is another Best Coast track, a remix:
Best Coast - Boyfriend (Ghostwaves Edit)
Menomena - TAOS from the album Mines: This album almost didn't happen - the band was fighting, they were doing other projects, and getting divorces. I'm glad they pulled it together because I loved their last one Fried or Foe.
Ra Ra Riot - Boy from soon to be released album the Orchard
Jens Lekman - The End of the World Is Bigger Than Love one of my favorite song writers, even though he crones a little too much.
I'm off now to go and listen to the new Arcade Fire, just got it from for $3.99!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Great Summer Song: Beach Fossils - Golden Age
Mild surf guitar sound, easy fun lyrics, and the drummer stands to play; sounds like a great summer soundtrack to me. Beach Fossils hail from Brooklyn, NY. They have great sound and fit in with everything else that people are digging right now (Surfer Blood, The Drums, etc.). They are currently on tour with Here We Go Magic so look for them coming to your town. I'm going to miss their trip to DC (beach vacation), so this video from will have to do.
Beach Fossils - Golden Age
I posted this track earlier this summer, but here we go again:
Beach Fossils - Youth
Beach Fossils - Golden Age
I posted this track earlier this summer, but here we go again:
Beach Fossils - Youth
Monday, July 19, 2010
BP #5 - The Start of Blur
Damon Albarn - Vocals
Graham Coxen - Guitar
Alex James - Bass
Dave Rowntree - Drums
The band formed in college where childhood friends Albarn and Coxen meet James. The drummer, Rowntree was added to lined up later. They performed as a group under the name Seymour (after a J.D. Salinger story). The small record label Food Records picked them up but insisted they change their name. Blur was picked from a list of possible names that the record company came up with.
Their first single She's So High entered the top 50 in the UK (sorry it can't be embedded - it appears Blur don't like to share) and their second single There's No Other Way went top 10 making Blur instant pop idols. You can see and hear the influence of 60's British psychedelia; and also the influence of the Stone Roses and the Madchester scene in these two early videos. Their first album Leisure was released in 1991 and was well received but critics wrote them off for the most part as too teenie bopper. This clip gives a nice history of the band and shows them (lip syncing) in their first TV appearance:
The next single Popscene was an utter failure. The band was attempting to come up with it's own sound, even with it's harder edge it couldn't compete with American grunge:
Popscence was released to coincide with their first US tour. The tour bombed and the band had lots of infighting. The only positive that came out of the US tour was Albarn's steadfast approach to embracing and writing music from a British perspective - antigrunge. When the band returned to England, Suede was on top of the charts and outperforming Blur. This drove them crazy (Albarm was now dating Justine Frischmann - Brett Anderson's ex-girlfriend). Damon may have gotten the girl, but Suede was getting the press.
So back to the drawing board and the studio. Blur worked on their third album Modern Life Is Rubbish for over a year and half. They ran into producer and label problems, but this is when they really began to form as a cohesive unit and develop their sound. They embraced their Britishness and followed in the footsteps of The Kinks, The Small Faces, and The Jam. Modern Life Is Rubbish only made it to #15 on the UK charts and did nothing in the US but it made them a band of the British people and paved the way for their breakthrough.
The Breakthrough: Blur - Parklife
interview from the time of the Parklife release
Parklife single
The songs and album hit on all cylinders and covers the history of British rock from British invasion to disco and new wave. The album entered the UK charts at #1 and took Britpop to a whole new level. They certainly overshadowed Suede now. The success of Parklife opened the doors for dozens of other British bands including Oasis, who Blur would battle for chart supremacy in 1995. The album had 4 hit singles, won them 4 Brit awards, went triple platinum, and was on the top of every UK magazine end of year chart. The single Girls and Boys even went to #4 on the US modern rock charts. I can remember seeing the video on MTV and hating it for how "lame" and "gay" it was. It was so different then what I was listening to: Stone Temple Pilots, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and the Mighty Mighty Bosstones.
Weeks later I was buying the album and couldn't get the song out of my head.
Great inteview of Damon at the time of Parklife:sweet hairdo by the interviewer (yaeh I had the same deal, except curly on top)
The success of Parklife lead to even harder partying which means harder drugs and alcohol in excess. Damon was also getting the bulk of the attenion which also lead to hard feelings between him, Alex James, and Graham Coxen. It was a great party, but in the end all of this would take its toll on the band - but for now Blur were on top of the world.
Next Time: Oasis
Graham Coxen - Guitar
Alex James - Bass
Dave Rowntree - Drums
The band formed in college where childhood friends Albarn and Coxen meet James. The drummer, Rowntree was added to lined up later. They performed as a group under the name Seymour (after a J.D. Salinger story). The small record label Food Records picked them up but insisted they change their name. Blur was picked from a list of possible names that the record company came up with.
Their first single She's So High entered the top 50 in the UK (sorry it can't be embedded - it appears Blur don't like to share) and their second single There's No Other Way went top 10 making Blur instant pop idols. You can see and hear the influence of 60's British psychedelia; and also the influence of the Stone Roses and the Madchester scene in these two early videos. Their first album Leisure was released in 1991 and was well received but critics wrote them off for the most part as too teenie bopper. This clip gives a nice history of the band and shows them (lip syncing) in their first TV appearance:
The next single Popscene was an utter failure. The band was attempting to come up with it's own sound, even with it's harder edge it couldn't compete with American grunge:
Popscence was released to coincide with their first US tour. The tour bombed and the band had lots of infighting. The only positive that came out of the US tour was Albarn's steadfast approach to embracing and writing music from a British perspective - antigrunge. When the band returned to England, Suede was on top of the charts and outperforming Blur. This drove them crazy (Albarm was now dating Justine Frischmann - Brett Anderson's ex-girlfriend). Damon may have gotten the girl, but Suede was getting the press.
So back to the drawing board and the studio. Blur worked on their third album Modern Life Is Rubbish for over a year and half. They ran into producer and label problems, but this is when they really began to form as a cohesive unit and develop their sound. They embraced their Britishness and followed in the footsteps of The Kinks, The Small Faces, and The Jam. Modern Life Is Rubbish only made it to #15 on the UK charts and did nothing in the US but it made them a band of the British people and paved the way for their breakthrough.
Blur were also the hipsters of the London scene at this point and begin making headlines for their partying antics. check out this hurting TV show and how coy and cool Damon and Graham are.
Modern Life is Rubbish single - For Tomorrow (live)
The Breakthrough: Blur - Parklife
interview from the time of the Parklife release
Parklife single
The songs and album hit on all cylinders and covers the history of British rock from British invasion to disco and new wave. The album entered the UK charts at #1 and took Britpop to a whole new level. They certainly overshadowed Suede now. The success of Parklife opened the doors for dozens of other British bands including Oasis, who Blur would battle for chart supremacy in 1995. The album had 4 hit singles, won them 4 Brit awards, went triple platinum, and was on the top of every UK magazine end of year chart. The single Girls and Boys even went to #4 on the US modern rock charts. I can remember seeing the video on MTV and hating it for how "lame" and "gay" it was. It was so different then what I was listening to: Stone Temple Pilots, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and the Mighty Mighty Bosstones.
Weeks later I was buying the album and couldn't get the song out of my head.
Great inteview of Damon at the time of Parklife:sweet hairdo by the interviewer (yaeh I had the same deal, except curly on top)
The success of Parklife lead to even harder partying which means harder drugs and alcohol in excess. Damon was also getting the bulk of the attenion which also lead to hard feelings between him, Alex James, and Graham Coxen. It was a great party, but in the end all of this would take its toll on the band - but for now Blur were on top of the world.
Next Time: Oasis
Monday, April 26, 2010
MIA goes intense
I believe MIA is really making a statement with every album and video she releases. She is not a fan of the USA - I am glad to see she is standing up for red heads:
M.I.A, Born Free from ROMAIN-GAVRAS on Vimeo.
M.I.A, Born Free from ROMAIN-GAVRAS on Vimeo.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
MGMT on Saturday Night Live
Call me addicited to MGMT, that is fine.....but you must go see their performance on Saturday Night Live.
Here is the link:
Here is the link:
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Cheat Sheet #2
So there are a few people out there who are giving no respect to the National, saying that everything sounds the same......these people are correct; but the problem is that singular sound of theirs is awesome. Can't wait for the album The Violet - due out May 11. Here is the next new track:
The National - Afraid of Everyone
Their website
Must be the spring weather, but all of these roots, country tinged bands are sounding good.
Deer Tick - 20 Miles new album The Black Dirt Sessions due out in late May
Their website
Deerhoof - Hitch Hike
Beach Fossils - Youth
Beach House - Zebra
Social Studies - Time Bandit
Fol Chen - In Ruins
and the highly anticipated LCD Soundsystem - I Can Change
The album This is Happening is due out May 18. It is getting too much hype that it can never live up to, but it should be a strong showing. Go here to listen to the whole album and judge for yourself.
Here is a link to a free Antlers EP - check it out
Will I go see this?
PHISH 3D - IN THEATERS APRIL 30TH from Phish on Vimeo.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
BP #4 - Suede
The founding fathers of Brit-pop took off quickly and flamed out fast.
Formed by childhood friends Brett Anderson and Mat Osman, who formed a core for the life of the band, these two were joined by Bernard Butler on guitar. Butler joined after answering an add in New Musical Express looking for a "non-muso." Butler and Anderson were the song writing duo who made them great. Justine Frischmann (Elastica) also had a short stint in the band early on as a guitarist and as Anderson's girlfriend. She left to form Elastica and broke up with Anderson, which gave him the inspiration to write much of Suede's best material.
The band was rounded out by Simon Gilbert on drums, but they almost had Mike Joyce (drummer from The Smiths) to take that spot. Joyce would help them record early demos and land a record contract.
Their first single The Drowners, seems like nothing earth shattering now but at the time it was a huge departure from the Shoegaze bands of England and the Grunge of America. It was guitar driven music that embraced British life. Anderson sang with an accent.
The next single Metal Mickey went to number 17 in the UK charts and had everyone in the UK declaring them the saviors of British rock. The video for the song shows the sexual ambiguity that Brett Anderson had embraced. his break up with Justine sent him off the deep end and he embraced this whole David Bowie ideal.
Here is Metal Mickey live on the Tonight Show. Apparently guitarist Bernard Butler was sick of Brett Anderson at this point and him stomping at the camera is his way of saying piss off. Suede never hit it big in the US and this lead to more tension in the band
I can remember being in college and seeing the cover to Suede's first album and being unsure what was going on:
I didn't buy the album then, but I remember when they came on tour with The Cranberries. The Cranberries got famous and they floundered. America was not ready for this bizarre English group that blurred the lines between male and female. Brett Anderson also played up this persona and Bernard Butler grew tired of it. Butler just wanted to make great music, while Anderson wanted fame. During there US tour Butler's father passed away and this further alienated him within the group. The band was also forced to change their name in the US to London Suede due to a lawsuit over the band name. With all this chaos going on they were still huge in England and the self titled album went to number one and was the fastest selling debut record ever at that point in music history. The huge single that lead the charge was Animal Nitrate. You'll have to go to youtube to see the video.
Another great track from the album, performed live:
1993 belonged to Suede in the UK! Their self titled album sold through the roof, they won the Mercury Prize in Britain, and they were stars. Brett Anderson loved the lifestyle, the notoriety, and the drugs. Bernard Butler had enough, while working on the follow-up album Butler left the group. The rest of the band was along for the ride and Richard Oakes a 17 year old guitar prodigy was added after Butler left.
The last Anderson/Butler composition, Stay Together is arguably their best:
Suede never quite reached the heights that their first album achieved, but the follow album Dog Man Star sold just as well and the critics liked it. It lacked the guitar punch without Butler and didn't have the hit singles. You can see the contrast in singles like the Wild Ones:
Due mostly to drugs, a revolving door of band members, and the success of Blur and Oasis, Suede faded away. They did have a temporary resurgence in 1996/97 with the album Coming Up and five top ten songs from the album. I dig the song The Beautiful Ones:
and Trash:
What is obvious watching all these tracks is they lack variety. Suede were a one sound wonder, but an important first step in Brit-pop that never went anywhere.
Formed by childhood friends Brett Anderson and Mat Osman, who formed a core for the life of the band, these two were joined by Bernard Butler on guitar. Butler joined after answering an add in New Musical Express looking for a "non-muso." Butler and Anderson were the song writing duo who made them great. Justine Frischmann (Elastica) also had a short stint in the band early on as a guitarist and as Anderson's girlfriend. She left to form Elastica and broke up with Anderson, which gave him the inspiration to write much of Suede's best material.
The band was rounded out by Simon Gilbert on drums, but they almost had Mike Joyce (drummer from The Smiths) to take that spot. Joyce would help them record early demos and land a record contract.
Their first single The Drowners, seems like nothing earth shattering now but at the time it was a huge departure from the Shoegaze bands of England and the Grunge of America. It was guitar driven music that embraced British life. Anderson sang with an accent.
The next single Metal Mickey went to number 17 in the UK charts and had everyone in the UK declaring them the saviors of British rock. The video for the song shows the sexual ambiguity that Brett Anderson had embraced. his break up with Justine sent him off the deep end and he embraced this whole David Bowie ideal.
Here is Metal Mickey live on the Tonight Show. Apparently guitarist Bernard Butler was sick of Brett Anderson at this point and him stomping at the camera is his way of saying piss off. Suede never hit it big in the US and this lead to more tension in the band
I can remember being in college and seeing the cover to Suede's first album and being unsure what was going on:
I didn't buy the album then, but I remember when they came on tour with The Cranberries. The Cranberries got famous and they floundered. America was not ready for this bizarre English group that blurred the lines between male and female. Brett Anderson also played up this persona and Bernard Butler grew tired of it. Butler just wanted to make great music, while Anderson wanted fame. During there US tour Butler's father passed away and this further alienated him within the group. The band was also forced to change their name in the US to London Suede due to a lawsuit over the band name. With all this chaos going on they were still huge in England and the self titled album went to number one and was the fastest selling debut record ever at that point in music history. The huge single that lead the charge was Animal Nitrate. You'll have to go to youtube to see the video.
Another great track from the album, performed live:
1993 belonged to Suede in the UK! Their self titled album sold through the roof, they won the Mercury Prize in Britain, and they were stars. Brett Anderson loved the lifestyle, the notoriety, and the drugs. Bernard Butler had enough, while working on the follow-up album Butler left the group. The rest of the band was along for the ride and Richard Oakes a 17 year old guitar prodigy was added after Butler left.
The last Anderson/Butler composition, Stay Together is arguably their best:
Suede never quite reached the heights that their first album achieved, but the follow album Dog Man Star sold just as well and the critics liked it. It lacked the guitar punch without Butler and didn't have the hit singles. You can see the contrast in singles like the Wild Ones:
Due mostly to drugs, a revolving door of band members, and the success of Blur and Oasis, Suede faded away. They did have a temporary resurgence in 1996/97 with the album Coming Up and five top ten songs from the album. I dig the song The Beautiful Ones:
and Trash:
What is obvious watching all these tracks is they lack variety. Suede were a one sound wonder, but an important first step in Brit-pop that never went anywhere.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
3 Videos
Not a new song, but I found this video while cruising the web for the new MGMT stuff. It makes me giggle and I like the groove. I have never been to a party like this (in an apartment in some big city with uber hipsters), the people look cool, but they also look like they are trying too hard.
Worst kung-fu master ever, but hey the guy is having fun. He is also so intense at the end, that maybe his moves might not beat you in a fight, but he would overwhelm you with energy. I think it captures the music brilliantly. It chugs along with this great little beat and builds slowly and then WHAM! It kicks you in the teeth. I'm not a big fan of electronic music, but I heart the F*** Buttons.
Don't take your eyes off this junk. I had it playing while cruising the web, came back to it right when they were ripping something out of the dudes throat. It was scary. This video has made me love this song. I'm now excited for the new MGMT!
Thanks to spring break and dunkel beer for all the recent posts.
Worst kung-fu master ever, but hey the guy is having fun. He is also so intense at the end, that maybe his moves might not beat you in a fight, but he would overwhelm you with energy. I think it captures the music brilliantly. It chugs along with this great little beat and builds slowly and then WHAM! It kicks you in the teeth. I'm not a big fan of electronic music, but I heart the F*** Buttons.
Don't take your eyes off this junk. I had it playing while cruising the web, came back to it right when they were ripping something out of the dudes throat. It was scary. This video has made me love this song. I'm now excited for the new MGMT!
Thanks to spring break and dunkel beer for all the recent posts.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
My First Cease and Desist Order
A big day , the RIAA was unhappy with something I posted, not sure what, but here is some music to enjoy:
Record Club: INXS "Guns In The Sky" from Beck Hansen on Vimeo.
Go here for more: Beck - Record Club
The National- Bloodbuzz Ohio
Wye Oak - I Hope you Die
Wye Oak @ Merge Showcase
Uploaded by brooklynvegan. - Explore more music videos.
Record Club: INXS "Guns In The Sky" from Beck Hansen on Vimeo.
Go here for more: Beck - Record Club
The National- Bloodbuzz Ohio
Wye Oak - I Hope you Die
Wye Oak @ Merge Showcase
Uploaded by brooklynvegan. - Explore more music videos.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Continuing On the MGMT Theme
If you haven't listened to the new MGMT album hear it below:
Here is a streaming track from the front man of Sigur Ros covering MGMT
Here is a streaming track from the front man of Sigur Ros covering MGMT
Monday, March 22, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Two Must Hears!!!
Heard this on Radio 1 the Zane Lowe show. This track is boss, a little different from the first Foals album but strong in a more subtle way. Can't wait for the new album
Foals - Spanish Sahara
And next a song I have never heard but am posting anyways.
MGMT - Flash Delirium
and now for your viewing pleasure:
Foals - Spanish Sahara
And next a song I have never heard but am posting anyways.
MGMT - Flash Delirium
and now for your viewing pleasure:
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
BP#3 - Madchester
So Acid House and Rave from mainly Chicago, but also NY and LA hit Britain in the mid eighties and had a huge impact on rock.
This music inspired rock groups to incorporate beats and samples and a whole lifestyle grew up around it in Manchester. Those that did this best were the Happy Mondays and Stone Roses. The Happy Mondays went full tilt with sampling, beats, and rapping. The drugs made the band and they broke the band:
The Stone Roses were a guitar band who took some of the hooks and rhythms from Acid House and turned it into rock. Their first album blew the music scene apart and they never really recovered from all the hype (The follow up was still great, it just took to long to come out):
This is brilliant:
Here are two others that were a part of the scene. They didn't have the same impact as the Mondays or Roses but are still worth a mention:
The Charlatans UK were just an unlucky group. They had hits but every time things started going well they would suffer a set back (like having to add UK to their names or having a band member go to jail).
The Inspiral Carpets had a great psychedelic and garage sound, and were more important because they hired Noel Gallagher as a roadie before Oasis. It gave Noel time to learn the ropes. Sorry but the best I can do is a link to the Inspiral Carpets - This Is How It Feels
If you want more on Madchester you can watch this great documentary on youtube: The Sound of the North
This music inspired rock groups to incorporate beats and samples and a whole lifestyle grew up around it in Manchester. Those that did this best were the Happy Mondays and Stone Roses. The Happy Mondays went full tilt with sampling, beats, and rapping. The drugs made the band and they broke the band:
The Stone Roses were a guitar band who took some of the hooks and rhythms from Acid House and turned it into rock. Their first album blew the music scene apart and they never really recovered from all the hype (The follow up was still great, it just took to long to come out):
This is brilliant:
Here are two others that were a part of the scene. They didn't have the same impact as the Mondays or Roses but are still worth a mention:
The Charlatans UK were just an unlucky group. They had hits but every time things started going well they would suffer a set back (like having to add UK to their names or having a band member go to jail).
The Inspiral Carpets had a great psychedelic and garage sound, and were more important because they hired Noel Gallagher as a roadie before Oasis. It gave Noel time to learn the ropes. Sorry but the best I can do is a link to the Inspiral Carpets - This Is How It Feels
If you want more on Madchester you can watch this great documentary on youtube: The Sound of the North
Charlaltans UK,
Happy Mondays,
Inspiral Carpets,
Stone Roses
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
BP#2 - Before There Was Suede, Blur, and Oasis
The core of Britpop groups (Suede, Blur, and Oasis) drew direct influence from the likes of The Smiths, Happy Mondays, and The Stone Roses. All of these Manchester groups were truly British in their focus and themes.
Suede owes a huge debt to The Smiths. The Smiths were the British indie band of the 90's that abandoned synthesizers and embraced guitars. Brett Anderson certainly was influenced by Morrissey's lyrics and sexuality. However all the bands from Britpop must of felt the influence of The Smiths. This would be the music on the radio, playing in record shops, and being written about in NME as these band members were kids and teenagers.
Is it possible that Suede took their name from this brilliant Morrissey song?
Suede owes a huge debt to The Smiths. The Smiths were the British indie band of the 90's that abandoned synthesizers and embraced guitars. Brett Anderson certainly was influenced by Morrissey's lyrics and sexuality. However all the bands from Britpop must of felt the influence of The Smiths. This would be the music on the radio, playing in record shops, and being written about in NME as these band members were kids and teenagers.
Is it possible that Suede took their name from this brilliant Morrissey song?
Monday, February 8, 2010
Great little Short Film
Stumbled upon this short film through Sixeyes blog and think it is brilliant. "Mixtape" by Luke Snelling is the recent winner of the Virgin Media Shorts contest. Why do I love it, well this is how I spent large chunks of my life from the age of 12 till about 22. Only I rarely had the guts to pass on the mixtape.
Here is the key track from the film The Kinks - Wonder where My Baby is Tonight
Here is the key track from the film The Kinks - Wonder where My Baby is Tonight
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
BP#1 - The Early Roots
I am currently reading "The Last Party: Britpop, Blair, and the Demise of English Rock". To give this blog some more focus, I thought I would provide my own little music and video summary of the book via this blog. I'll keep doing the cheat sheet and adding any other new music I find, but because of the book I am discovering plenty of other older music, so once a week I'll add my little blip on Britpop. I've always been a fan of Blur, and Pulp; and "Wonderwall" has to be one of the greatest songs ever,
but now I have also added Suede and not just the one track I used to know "Metal Mickey."
So before we get to the Britpop, we need to get some history. The Britpop movement was a reaction to what was happening in America. In 1992 Nirvana and grunge ruled the musical landscape; loud music filled with angst and self loathing.
A handful of artists in England, who did not always get along with each other started to make music that was the opposite. It was pop guitar music filled with hooks and it was British. It was music that hearkened back to classic British bands of the 60's and 70's.
The obvious one!
An even bigger influence were the Kinks:
The Kinks again, with the most British song ever written:
The Jam:
and lastly The Squeeze:
Other influences from the 60s: include The Who, Small Faces, and The Rolling Stones
from the 7os: David Bowie, Roxy Music, The Buzzcocks, The Jam, and Elvis Costello
from the 80s: Madness, XTC, and The Smiths who we will talk about again
Next time on BP: The Smiths and Madchester!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Cheat Sheet #1
So my I-pod is officially gone. I had it in school, and my best guess is that one of my students swiped it off my teaching cart. I've spent the last two weeks pretending that I just misplaced it and left it in a car, pants pocket, or desk drawer; but no such luck. So somewhere out there is kid getting an education in music. I hope they enjoy it. It will probably be months before I replace the thing, so currently I'm listening to an old I-pod Classic 30 GB loaded with music from 2001-2006. It also has a sweet Britpop playlist which has been taking up a lot of my time. The Happy Mondays and Pulp still sound good.
The video is not so good, but Bez is dancing!
The Greatest Britpop Song Ever and maybe my all-time #1 Song:
Here is list of tracks I have found surfing other music sites and blogs, that is what I thrive on....finding music so you don't have to. Most tracks I have given one listen, but I'll be spending the weekend letting them play in the background and we'll see what sticks come Monday.
Start the weekend with this!!!!! A-Trak [ft. Drake and Birdman]: "Loonies to Blow" UUUNNNNGGGGGHHHHHHH
This is Beck's current favorite Lemonade - Lifted (pitchfork)
Caribou - Odessa (Bored and Beats)
Four Tet - Love Cry (Bored and Beats)
She and Him - In the Sun (Bored and Beats)
Dum Dum Girls - Jail La La (Ear Farm)
WE Are Wolves - Blue (Ear Farm)
Parenthetical Girls - Evelyn McHale (Pop Tarts Suck Toasted)
Tallest Man On Earth - King of Spain (Pop Tarts Suck Toasted)
Dinosaur Feathers - Teenage Whore (Pop Tarts Suck Toasted) I love this song
The Antlers – Two (Buffetlibre Remix) (Music For Kids Who Can't Read Good) great song from last year, great remix this year
And a lovely Video: Dan Deacon - Woof Woof
R out C out
The video is not so good, but Bez is dancing!
The Greatest Britpop Song Ever and maybe my all-time #1 Song:
Here is list of tracks I have found surfing other music sites and blogs, that is what I thrive on....finding music so you don't have to. Most tracks I have given one listen, but I'll be spending the weekend letting them play in the background and we'll see what sticks come Monday.
Start the weekend with this!!!!! A-Trak [ft. Drake and Birdman]: "Loonies to Blow" UUUNNNNGGGGGHHHHHHH
This is Beck's current favorite Lemonade - Lifted (pitchfork)
Caribou - Odessa (Bored and Beats)
Four Tet - Love Cry (Bored and Beats)
She and Him - In the Sun (Bored and Beats)
Dum Dum Girls - Jail La La (Ear Farm)
WE Are Wolves - Blue (Ear Farm)
Parenthetical Girls - Evelyn McHale (Pop Tarts Suck Toasted)
Tallest Man On Earth - King of Spain (Pop Tarts Suck Toasted)
Dinosaur Feathers - Teenage Whore (Pop Tarts Suck Toasted) I love this song
The Antlers – Two (Buffetlibre Remix) (Music For Kids Who Can't Read Good) great song from last year, great remix this year
And a lovely Video: Dan Deacon - Woof Woof
R out C out
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
My Namesake!!!!!!
Sorry for the bogus Daft Punk post, turns out Daft Punk is not taking credit for the track, so whoever put it out there.....excellent imitation!
To make up for the guffaw here is some LCD Soundsystem:
clip 1 from lcd soundsystem on Vimeo.
James Murphy is the coolest dude in the world; leader of LCD Soundsystem, owner of DFA records, club DJ, recording music in a mansion, and producer/engineer. Sometimes I think he is living my life, but then my wife goes and makes a sick chicken casserole and my kid smiles at me and I know I am in the right place. I guess I was meant to listen, not make the music. However, that won't stop me from training my kid to play every instrument and to make the music for me. Here are some more tracks from LCD Soundsystem, it looks like they have a new album coming out soon, but no details yet.
Bye Bye Bayou a possible submission for the new album
Yeah (crass version)
LCD/MGMT - All My Children Remix two great things together
Friday, January 22, 2010
What A Switch
From the soothing sounds of Low Anthem to the pumping beats of Daft Punk. Looks like a song from the Tron Legacy Soundtrack has leaked:
here is a link to the sweet ass new Tron film,, and some clips below from the original movie. This is the Matrix, before the Matrix was the Matrix; to me it was the greatest idea in the world...getting trapped in a video game and having to fight your way out. I was a beast at the Intelivsion video game of Tron best in the family at deadly discs.
and the video game:
here is a link to the sweet ass new Tron film,, and some clips below from the original movie. This is the Matrix, before the Matrix was the Matrix; to me it was the greatest idea in the world...getting trapped in a video game and having to fight your way out. I was a beast at the Intelivsion video game of Tron best in the family at deadly discs.
and the video game:
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Low Anthem
From Providence, RI the Low Anthem were one of my favorite discoveries of 2009. I heard about them from listening to NPR All Songs Considered coverage of the Newport Folk Festival. They use an array of instruments and produce mellow and sometimes sad music that sounds like it was inspired by the great depression. Makes sense, since that is what we are in now. The songs are simple but well composed. I find myself humming along all the time and get the tunes stuck in my head while at work. This is great driving music. In other words I recommend them highly if you haven't heard of them yet. So the whole reason for the post was to let you know you can check them out on NPR All Songs Considered again, this time on tiny desk concerts.
Here are some bonus videos from their album "Oh My God, Charlie Darwin."
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Are you ready for the new Liars album?
it will be boss
I hope for more like this:
So far it sounds like it will be awesomeLiars - Scissor
I love how it kicks the doors in a about 1:50. Bring it on Liars!!!! the album sisterworld is due out early 2010. For less info check out there bizarre website
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Laura Veirs

Hear this great new single by Laura Veirs "July Flame". I first heard her on NPR Weekend Edition, but she has been around for some time. She sounds down to earth and the music is simple and refreshing. Hear the interview here. You can swing by her site now to get 2 free tracks or the new album is out this Tuesday January 12.
The video for July Flame is also off the hook:
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